Meet Sophie, Kenyan Safari Guide

Having been on countless African safaris, we’ve been lucky enough to meet many world-class guides, but every once in a while, someone really blows us away. While exploring Kenya as a family earlier this year, we had the privilege of meeting someone who did just that, Sophie Sairowua, a guide at Sanctuary Retreats.

Sophie guided us during our stay at Sanctuary Tambarare in Ol Pejeta Conservancy, a luxury camp with only ten tents and a private villa. Ol Pejeta encompasses 90,000 acres of pristine plains and is the largest black rhino sanctuary in East Africa and home to the last two northern white rhinos.

We love meeting individuals who have followed their passion, especially when it means breaking the mold, rising through the ranks, and ultimately thriving. Sophie’s warm and relaxed nature was infectious, as was her passion for wildlife. Her dedication to her work in a traditionally male-dominated field made such an impact on our experience that we felt we had to share some of her infectious energy with our YPA family.

What inspired you to become a guide?

I fell in love with nature from an early age. I grew up close to the epic Masai Mara and was surrounded by plenty of wildlife throughout my childhood. This made me learn to love everything about flora and fauna.

Tell us about your journey to becoming a guide.

“A dream come true.”

My journey started immediately after being employed at Sanctuary Olonana as a waitress. Working in this environment fueled my passion for wildlife and nature, so I made the brave decision to take study leave and join a college to take guiding classes. Luckily, Sanctuary Retreats saw the potential in me, and I was given an opportunity to be a guide. I haven’t looked back since.

What is your favorite part of your job?

The most interesting part of my job is having the privilege to share with my guests my knowledge of wildlife conservation and diverse African cultures. Because I was brought up in the Maasai community with rich and unique cultural approaches, I have so much of my own heritage to share.

Tell us about the most amazing wildlife sighting you have ever had.

On an afternoon safari, I was lucky enough to see a pack of hyenas overpower a pride of lions and steal their kill! People do underrate the hyena’s coordination and social life. “Who thought hyenas could overpower the King of the Jungle?”

You spend your days with guests from all over the world, showing them this incredible piece of Africa. What do you hope they go home having learned?

Every time I wave off my guests, my wish is that they go back with fond memories of the safari moments and the efforts made by the local people to conserve these areas for future generations. I hope they also leave with a better understanding of my culture.

What is your favorite animal?

I love giraffes for their elegance and beautiful body prints. They are just so calm, and their patience is amazing!

It’s easy to understand why Kenya is a firm favorite for travelers seeking quintessential African vistas, exceptional wildlife, rich culture, and, of course, top-notch lodges and camps. This trip delivered on every front and left us excited to craft itineraries for our YPA guests. Drop us a line if you’re feeling inspired to explore this East African country.

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